Have you ever had to apologize to a friend for something?


Proverbs 15:8. The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord,

In Solomon’s day the people of Israel would come to the Temple with sacrifices to God. Sheep, goats, cows, birds, were all acceptable animals to sacrifice to God. But Solomon is reminding us of a very important truth – God looks at our hearts, not just our actions. If a person is wicked on the inside but brings a sacrifice to God on the outside, well God considers that an abomination (disgusting, gross).

Today, because Jesus died on the cross as the final sacrifice for sins, we don’t bring animals to church to sacrifice to God (thank goodness). Instead we bring sacrifices like singing, or money to give to God. But the same truth applies. If we act wicked outside of church, but then come to church and sing songs, and give our money, or volunteer our time, guess what. That’s gross to God.

Jesus taught something similar. He said that if you are on your way to the temple to make a sacrifice, but then you remember that you have hurt or offended someone, you should leave your sacrifice behind and go apologize to that person and make things right.

Why is all this true? Because you can’t love God without loving others. Loving God and loving others always go hand in hand. Therefore, you can’t act like you love God by going to church but secretly have hatred in your heart for someone.

But when we have the love of God through Jesus we don’t ever have to fake it. We can truly love God and sacrifice our time, money, and our praise to him out of a pure heart. Then we can let his love for us become our love for others. How? Because with Jesus in our hearts, we are no longer wicked, we are righteous.

Because of Jesus we are righteous not wicked.

With Jesus we can give God our praise from a pure heart that also loves others.


Is there anyone that you need to apologize to or make things right with? Is there someone that you have offended? Make a plan to reach out and apologize to others if necessary, before going to church on Sunday.


Jesus, you are righteous not wicked. You gave your righteousness to me. Help me to always make thing right with others when I have offended them. Amen.

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