What do you know about Satan?


Proverbs 24:8. Whoever plans to do evil will be called a schemer.

Here Solomon warns us about the schemer. What is a schemer? A schemer is a person who plots and plans to do bad things. The schemer isn’t stupid. The schemer isn’t impulsive. The schemer is often smart and takes their time to plan the evil they will do, big or small. Like a thief who plans out how they will rob a store. Or a liar who thinks through the story they will tell before they tell it. Or the cheater who copies answers to the test before the test. Or the bully who decides their target before they even get to school. These are the schemers.

Are you a schemer? Do you plan out your sin before you do it? Do you ever think about doing something wrong in a way so that you won’t get caught?

The worst schemer of all is Satan. He has a plan for how he will destroy your life. He wants you to stop trusting God and he wants you to give up on Jesus, and he knows exactly how to get you to do it. Or at least he thinks he does. With Jesus we can stand up to the schemes of the Devil. How?

Ephesians 6:11. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.

Satan’s scheme is to get you to be a schemer too, like him. He wants you to just look out for yourself and not care about God or others. But with Jesus we can put on his very own armor. His righteousness. His peace. His truth. His salvation. His faithfulness. And even his Spirit, the Holy Spirit. And when we know that we have everything that Jesus has, we no longer have to scheme to get our way, or to get ahead, or to be noticed or in charge. Jesus has a plan for you that is far better than any sinful plan you might come up with.

Because of Jesus God has a plan for our lives that is full of love.

With Jesus we never have to scheme to get ahead; we can trust him instead.  


Make Ephesians 6:11 a family memory verse. Take some time to look at the armor of God in Ephesians 6. Maybe make drawings of the pieces, or do a google search for a coloring sheet, etc.


Jesus, help me to see and resist the schemes of Satan by trusting you. Amen.

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