What does resurrection mean?


Proverbs 24:16. The righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity.

There is a lot of important truth in this proverb.

First, the righteous fall seven times. What does that mean? It means that even though we are doing the right thing, sometime we still struggle, and suffer, and fall. Think about Jesus. He was perfectly righteous and he still “fell.” He suffered even though he was good. He died on the cross even though he did everything God said to do. Just because we are trusting in Jesus and obeying him doesn’t mean that we won’t “fall” too. Even Christians go through really hard things sometimes.

Second, there’s good news. Very good news – the righteous rise again. What does that mean? It means that even though in this life we might fall down over and over again (“seven times” means many times), one day we will rise again, even from the dead, to live forever with Jesus. Did Jesus rise again? Yes, he did! And so will we when we trust in him.

Third, the wicked stumble in times of calamity. What does that mean? It means while the righteous who have Jesus in their hearts are rising, the wicked are stumbling and falling. Maybe they didn’t seem to fall down in this life. Maybe them seemed successful and rich. But in the end, because they didn’t have Jesus, they will stumble and fall. They won’t be with God forever.

What makes the difference between the righteous and the wicked? Well what we know from Jesus is that it’s not about what we have done because we have all done wicked things. It’s about what we believe. What we trust in. When we trust in Jesus we are righteous like him, and will rise like he did. When we don’t believe we are wicked and in the end we will fall.

Which are you? Righteous or wicked? Who are you trusting in?

Because of Jesus we will rise again to eternal life.

With Jesus even though we “fall” we are never without his eternal life.  


Make 1 Corinthians 6:14 a family memory verse.


Jesus, you rose from the dead and so will I! Amen.

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