In what ways are you generous with what you have?


Proverbs 14:31. Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.

Did you know that how you treat people reveals what you think about God? That’s what Solomon is saying in this proverb. God made everyone. He made the rich, and he made the poor. Sadly, we tend to treat rich people better than poor people. Likely you don’t collect posters or trading cards of any poor people. You probably don’t dream of becoming like a poor person. But why do we think that the rich are better than the poor? In God’s eyes we are all the same.

In the Gospel of Matthew Jesus says that when we are kind to the poor, and feed the hungry, and clothe those who need I, it is the same as if we did it for Jesus himself. Whatever we do for the “least” or the “lowest,” we have done for God. Why? Because made that person. And God loves that person. That’s why Solomon says that if we are generous to the needy it honors God.

When Jesus came to Earth, he came to help the needy. That included the poor people that he met. He helped beggars, and cripples, and widows, and the blind. But more than that, he helped all who are spiritually needy. The sinners. The wicked. Those who could never save themselves.

And that’s everyone.

Jesus did not oppress us. He allowed himself to be both the poor and the oppressed while on this Earth, all the way to the cross. Why? Because he is the most generous God and most generous man who ever lived.

Because of Jesus everyone is equal, rich and poor.

With Jesus we can be kind and generous to everyone.


Keep talking about how your family can help the needy. What are you currently doing to help others in need? Talk about how we must help while not feeling superior to others when we do. How can we help the poor and guard our attitudes?


Jesus, you are the maker of everyone. Help me to treat everyone with equal respect. 

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