Do you think before you speak?


Proverbs 15:23. To make an apt answer is a joy to a man, and a word in season, how good it is!

This proverb describes our words in two ways: apt and in season or timely.

You’ve likely never used the word apt before (I haven’t either). Apt answers are well thought out. The person who thinks before they speak uses apt words. Apt words are said so that others will want to listen to you. They are persuasive without being deceptive. Apt words are never impulsive or thoughtless. Rather they bring joy to the hearer.

Timely words (words in season) are also very important. The wise person knows that sometimes you need to not speak at all. Other times you need to wait before you say something. Often saying things in public, in front of others, can be very untimely. Or trying to give advice to someone who is upset or sad can be very untimely.

Your words can be true but not apt and not timely, and then they can still be hurtful. If you want your words to bring joy to others make sure that they are thought out, sensitive, caring, and spoken at the right time. This takes lots and lots of practice, and some adults have never learned how to speak to others with such wisdom.

Why do we speak without thinking or why do we speak out of turn? Usually because we are selfish and want to be heard more than we want to listen. Sometimes we talk at the wrong time because we are impatient, or scared. But the more we trust in Jesus and his love for us the less selfish, impatient, and scared we will be. Listening to Jesus will teach us to listen to others, and praying to Jesus can help us to know HOW to talk and WHEN to talk to others. 

Because of Jesus we don’t have to be selfish or impatient with our words.

With Jesus our words can be good words hat bring joy not sadness.


Go around the circle and have everyone give a well thought out (apt) compliment to the person on their right. What made it hard or easy to do this?


Jesus, help my words to be apt and timely. Help me to always think before I speak. I want my words to bring joy not sadness to others. Amen.

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