Are you good at cheering people up?


Proverbs 15:30. The light of the eyes rejoices the heart, and good news refreshes the bones.

This verse is about cheering others up. Have you ever needed to be cheered up? Of course you have. Have you ever gotten good news on a bad day? That’s the best isn’t it?

Solomon is saying that when we go to someone with light in our eyes and with good news, it has the power to bring rejoicing and refreshing to that person. Especially if they have been feeling down.

So one of the most important things you can learn to do as you grow up is to look people in the eye and smile at them. That is what Solomon calls the light of the eyes. Of course he doesn’t mean actually light shining out of our eyes (although that would be pretty cool too). He means having eyes and facial expressions that show that you are happy and pleasant. This kind of joy is contagious. Your joyful eyes can make another person feel joyful too.

On top of that there is also the power of sharing good news. As Christians we know the best news ever – the good news of Jesus and his love for us. Which, by the way, is also what make us joyful and happy and brightens our eyes. When you know Jesus, you can have a joyful face and joyful things to say. You can tell others how much God loves them through Jesus and how forgiven they can be by his cross. That’s the best news ever!

Because of Jesus we have joy in our hearts.

With Jesus we can have a smile on our face and tell the good news.


Practice your bright eyes and smiling faces in the mirror together. More importantly talk about where our smile comes from – God’s love for us.


Jesus, give me joy today. The joy of knowing that you love me no matter what. Amen.

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